PhoneTray Pro 2.3 Has Been Released

New version of PhoneTray Pro 2.3 has been released. To update your version of PhoneTray Pro click Help -> Check for Updates button on the Ribbon Menu. Please click here for more detailed update instructions.

Here is what’s new in PhoneTray Pro 2.3:

  • Now PhoneTray can import contacts from CSV files created by Outlook, Google Gmail and other programs. To import contacts, click PhoneTray logo in the top-left corner and select Import Contacts:
    Import contacts from CSV files created by Outlook, Google Gmail and other programs
  • Added an option to dial area code for local calls (10-digit dialing). You can change this option on the Settings -> Lines screen, Dialing Settings tab:
    New option to dial area code for local calls (10-digit dialing)
  • Added Ctrl-Alt-D hotkey that quickly opens PhoneTray dialer. To dial a phone number from another application, copy phone number to the clipboard then press Ctrl-Alt-D to open PhoneTray dialer and dial the number.
  • Now you can Ctrl-click the Zap button on a tray alert to zap a call and add the caller’s number to your black list in order to block future calls from that caller. As before, regular click zaps a call without adding the caller’s number to your black list.
  • New version will remember sort order and columns’ width on the Calls, Contacts, Black List and White List screens.
  • New feature: full screen alerts will stay on the screen until clicked if timeout is set to 99 seconds.
  • Added 3 new skins: Seven, Seven Classic and Pumpkin. To change the skin in PhoneTray, click the Skins button in the upper left corner next to PhoneTray logo.

PhoneTray Halloween Skin - Trick or Treat!
Make sure to select the Pumkin skin on Halloween. Trick or treat! 🙂